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Facial Bones: 70140
Nasal Bones: 70160
Sinuses: 70220
Skull: 70250
Mandible: 70110
Chest AP: 71045
Chest AP & LAT: 71046
Ribs Unilateral: 71100
Ribs Bilateral: 71110
Spine: 72020
Cervical: 72040
Thoracic: 72070
Thoracolumbar: 72080
Lumbosacral: 72100
Sacrum & Coccyx: 72220
AP Pelvis: 72170
AP/Lat Pelvis Unilateral Hip w/Pelvis: 73501
Views AP & Frog: 73521
Abdomen: 74018
Abdomen Series: 74022
Clavicle: 73000
Scapula: 73010
Shoulder Internal/External: 73030
Humerus: 73060
Elbow A/P & LAT: 73070
Elbow: 73080
Forearm: 73090
Wrist: 73110
Hand: 73120
Fingers: 73140
Femur: 73551
Knee: 73560
Tibia & Fibula: 73590
Ankle: 73600
Calcaneus: 73650
Toes: 73660
Foot: 73630
Abdomen Complete: 76700
Abdomen Limited: 76705
Renal: 76770
Postvoid: 76857
Renal Transplant: 76776
Liver Doppler: 93975
Renal Doppler: (Included under Renal Procedures)
Abdominal Aorta Screening (AAA): 76706
Abdominal Aorta Limited: 76775
Aorta Duplex Complete: 93978
Scrotal: 76870
Chest, Soft Tissue: 76604
Head/Neck Soft Tissue: 76536
Carotid Duplex Bilateral: 93880
Upper Extremity Venous Bilateral: 93970
Upper Extremity Venous Unilateral: 93971
Upper Extremity Arterial Bilateral: 93930
Upper Extremity Arterial Unilateral: 93931
Soft Tissue, Extremities: 76882
Lower Extremity Arterial Bilateral: 93925
Lower Extremity Arterial Unilateral: 93926
Ankle Brachial Index (ABI): 93922